Make a payment against your student account here:

Your Kent ID number and date of birth is required as validation to use the E-Payment gateway. You will find your Kent ID number on correspondence that we have previously sent you or on the face of your Kent ID card.

In the event of any problems when making a payment, please contact University of Kent Income Office on 01227 824242 or email .

Using the E-Payment Gateway, you can settle your tuition and accommodation fees in full or setup an instalment plan using a debit or credit card. You can also pay in full using the bank transfer option provided by our service partner Flywire.

Bank transfers can be initiated by selecting the Flywire payment option and are available to both international and domestic customers.

Student Details

Student Details
If you have a loan reference please enter it here. For example 'SFDU12345678A'

Terms & Conditions

Please ensure that your card payment is being made from a legitimate source. If the university suspects that a card payment may be fraudulent, you may be subject to the University's student disciplinary procedures for non- academic matters which can be viewed here and where appropriate external agencies such as the police may be contacted. This is also covered by section 7 of General Regulations for Students. Please tick the following box to confirm that you have read and accept the University's Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions